The idea of the Library of 21st century

Library idea proposal, Ireland
collaboration with Nicola Van Waegening
The hidden, that raises the curiosity - the physical objects, that become precious, a hidden knowledge. What could be more intriguing than what is secret. What could raise more desire than what is forbidden.
In freeing the main body of the Library of the books, and by placing them into the library's floor - a hidden, underground chamber into which only glimpses are allowed, the intent was to try and raise the mystery, to re-assign back the value that books once had and which we believe they have, as physical objects, recently lost with the prevalence of the net. The value that they had in time when knowledge and the written word were still something special, accessible only to privileged.
Simultaneously, the main (street accessed) level of the Library is freed to become a true 21st century multimedia multi event space. Fully accessible and to be used by the public for various events. The visitors walk on top of underground book chamber that projects onto the street, beyond the glass facade of the library, and accidental passers-by catch glimpses of the space below. Walking on the heavy slate floor of the projected chamber, the books become present in the city and public become aware of hidden space with the books.
The content of the entire Library's archive is held on the public server and is accessible to anyone via connection points throughout the Library. These online points are fully accessible by persons with visual or auditory impairments. The books are brought on request. Outside the opening hours, the Library continues to live through the unlimited access via internet from anyone's home. The knowledge is free and accessible to all.
In freeing the main body of the Library of the books, and by placing them into the library's floor - a hidden, underground chamber into which only glimpses are allowed, the intent was to try and raise the mystery, to re-assign back the value that books once had and which we believe they have, as physical objects, recently lost with the prevalence of the net. The value that they had in time when knowledge and the written word were still something special, accessible only to privileged.
Simultaneously, the main (street accessed) level of the Library is freed to become a true 21st century multimedia multi event space. Fully accessible and to be used by the public for various events. The visitors walk on top of underground book chamber that projects onto the street, beyond the glass facade of the library, and accidental passers-by catch glimpses of the space below. Walking on the heavy slate floor of the projected chamber, the books become present in the city and public become aware of hidden space with the books.
The content of the entire Library's archive is held on the public server and is accessible to anyone via connection points throughout the Library. These online points are fully accessible by persons with visual or auditory impairments. The books are brought on request. Outside the opening hours, the Library continues to live through the unlimited access via internet from anyone's home. The knowledge is free and accessible to all.