Change/Time Component of a Form

/‘concrete geometries’ - a resultants of a continual actualization of the moment now/

It is suggested that a change/time is a fundamental element of a form and that it is necessary to view the change sequence as an intrinsic component of it. Perceiving change/time as inseparable quality implies that all of the parameters that are impacting a particular formation are directly linked to its basic structure and acting together.

Differences exist in how the forms are perceived a priory to their actualization, and which data is understood in the mind as one describing the form. Often, the forms are perceived as the entities with their imaginary or real margins, relatively separate from the surrounding conditions and as if extracted from the matrix of change and movement. These differentiations in the initial perception, i.e. what the mind understands in the first place as the qualities that are structuring the form, are directly linked to the creative processes and are conditioning the way in which we think and consequently create - first as the outlines of the mind concepts and than as actualization of these thought forms in the reality.

Although as mind concepts the forms can exist as ‘frozen’ frames in time/change, this never happens in Nature and reality. There is a certain flow in the Universe and we are part of it. There are things which are not planned - they happen. These are the processes which exist all around us and it is what the Nature’s essence seems to be. Movement and change appear to be fundamental forces. We are also continuously evolving. There seems to be a continuous adaptation of everything on existing conditions at any particular moment in time.
If it is possible to describe what the form is, it is necessary to see it not just as section of isolated space geometry, but simultaneously as a section of a time/change data, viewing all of the frames of the change sequence as an intrinsic component of the structure of a particular form.

It is suggested that, as the change is perceived as a fundamental element of a form, than all of the factors and conditions that are impacting it, become essential to the form itself - it can not be viewed as a separate entity any longer – it becomes evident that its actual structure and the conditions shaping it along the streamlines of change/time are fused and working in essentially interconnected way.

In the time scale that is experientially observable to us, this aspect can best be seen in the behavior of liquids – liquids continually and in real-time take the form of the surrounding conditions, representing by the very nature of emergence of the resulting form, always an ‘ideal’ response to them, one of the least energy. They continually ‘readjust’ themselves and do not have a form of their own, they mold to what contains them. Solids in the essence behave in the same way as liquids do; it is just that in the current time scale this is not immediately perceivable. The change/time would needed to be a ‘fast forwarded’ in order for this to be observed.

The differences are outlined in the way the forms are perceived – from seeing them as ‘frozen’ frames in time, to seeing them as continually moving and changing entities. After the differentiation is made, two modes of approach are described – planning in the mind that so far has most often been giving the ‘fixed’ (determined) solution to identified conditions, and spontaneous creation that happens independently of the human mind, and that is a continual in its actualization, something that can be observed as a fundamental process in Nature and its inseparable quality.

While organic architecture involves no or very little planning, the ability to predict situations with a high degree of certainty requires the skills which are much greater than what the ‘instantaneous’ planning requires. In this respect, being able to take the control of spontaneous and living processes in the Universe seems more of a step ahead and it is not to be seen in any case as something in-between planned and organic.

It is suggested that changing the way in which we think about the forms to view them as inseparable of the flux of change, can give birth to a ‘higher’ level method planning, where parameters of change/time are included in the initial description and the basic structure of the form, giving it an integrated response mechanisms and a living entity qualities.

The systems that are the most ordered, have the least capacity for change. The organizational structures of matter that show the greatest capability for morphing and adaptation are the fluid states. Although there are rules governing their behavior and setting their limits, the positions of the individual particles and even their emergent behavior at macro scale can not be fixed. They take on the form of what contains them becoming a real-time ‘cast’ of the surrounding conditions.

The space is not as linear and predictable as initially thought. The illusion of living in, what is perceived as a ‘solid’ and ‘fixed’ world, comes from living in an infinitely small time interval and an infinitely small segment of space – and only here, in our visible world, it is that the things still bear the illusion of permanence.

For complex requirements, giving the design in a ‘neutral’ ‘undetermined’ configuration, which later is applicable to numerous possible situations, seems to produce much more flexible solution. This opens up the possibility for designing the essence of the objects or of the events that, instead of specifying the final form, inform of their nature in less specific way, creating more space for the emergence of a solution which would be truly the answer to the conditions – their real-time and real-space cast.

Parametric approach to architecture is starting to make possible, although this has not become too apparent yet since the matrixes still produce the fixed results, a way to work with these interrelated factors in definition and creation of geometry. It is presenting a way to describe not the actual fixed form, but the correlation of factors that are all becoming the essential to the description of a form. In addition it is becoming possible to link the external data to it.

Most importantly, it is suggested that the spontaneous processes of change present a very powerful source of energy. The knowledge that would enable ‘connecting’ the forms with the processes and fluxes that are already in place, would empower in a sense that instead of giving a solutions that are made to withstand the change and in principle work against it, it would present a mean of ‘tapping’ into these resources.

Spontaneous processes, so far observed as an essential processes of organic and inorganic world, once set in motion, are shaping the matter by taking the path of least resistance, into formations that give very perfect responses to a certain set of conditions, regardless of how complex or simple these are. This is an imminent process and can be seen on every single level of existence.

‘Directed’ in this way, the design would only have to be given in a ‘seed’ form that, once placed in existence, would become susceptible to existing set of conditions and the very acting of these conditions would ‘shape it’ continually, in the envisaged direction. In this context, a ‘concrete geometry’ becomes resultant of continual actualization of the moment now, a form always recalculating itself as a real-time response.

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