
Bojana Vuksanović  BArch[Hons] DipArch RIBA  

Bojana Vuksanović is a chartered member of Royal Institute of British Architects [RIBA], member of Rijeka Architects Association [DAR] and Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts [ULUPUH].

She graduated architecture from Edinburgh College of Art in 2003 and holds a postgraduate degree in architecture from ECA, studied at Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona [ETSAB] in 2005. Prior to that, she studied architectural engineering in London. She is especially interested in intelligence and beauty of structures derived by Nature and new modes of architectural thinking that focuses on utilising these processes in design. 

After years spent abroad, she currently lives on the island Cres, working as architect and designer. She has previously worked for Studio Daniel Libeskind, Berlin, JM Architect, Edinburgh, Reiach and Hall Architects, Edinburgh, Great Britain. She has freelanced for Cloud-9, Barcelona, Media-Tic project, Icosis Architects, Edinburgh, Zeroarchitecture, Italy, Underground City XXI, Croatia.


03.08. - 31.10.2024. "Celestial", City Tower, Cres, solo exhibition
16.05. - 28.05.2024. "Art-Eco", Gallery ULUPUH, Zagreb
04.04. - 09.05.2024. "Recycled", Gallery ULUPUH, Zagreb
01.03. - 22.04.2024. "Apartman", Gallery ULUPUH, Zagreb
01.08. - 15.12.2023. "Living Water", Palace Moise, solo exhibition
25.05. - 15.06.2022. "Geometry of Nature", Museum of Cres, solo exhibition
15.06. - 15.10. 2022. "Genius Loci" Museum of Cres, solo exhibition
2020 - 2021 she exhibited at the 3rd Biennale of industrial art, Rijeka ECoC 2020, with solo exhibition “Dock Culture”, Moise palace, Cres./ 2020 she participated at Biennale exhibition “Art - Eco / Forest”, gallery ULUPUH, Zagreb./ 2017 solo exhibition at HDD gallery of Croatian Design Association, Zagreb/ 2016 solo exhibition, HUIU gallery Pula/ 2016 exhibition Days of architecture in Istria.

Bojana Vuksanović članica je Kraljevskog Instituta Britanskih Arhitekata [RIBA], Društva arhitekata Rijeka [DAR] i Hrvatske udruge likovnih umjetnika primjenjenih umjetnosti [ULUPUH].

Diplomirala je arhitekturu u Edinburghu 2003. godine [Edinburgh College of Art], postdiplomski studij arhitekture završila u Barceloni 2005. [ETSAB] Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona.  Od 1993. - 1996. studirala je u Londonu arhitektonski inženjering. 

Nakon niza godina provedenih u inozemstvu, posljednjih godina živi na otoku Cresu, gdje se bavi arhitekturom i dizajnom. Prije toga radila je za Studio Daniel Libeskind [Berlin], JM-Architects, [Edinburgh], Reiach and Hall Architects, [Edinburgh], te kao vanjski suradnik za Cloud-9, Media-Tic project, [Barcelona], Icosis Architects, [Edinburgh], Zeroarchitecture, [Italy], Underground City XXI, Labin, Hrvatska.


03.08. - 31.10.2024. "Celestial", gradska kula, Cres, samostalna izložba
16.05 - 28.05.2024. "Art-Eco", Galerija ULUPUH, Zagreb
04.04. - 09.05.2024. "Recycled", Galerija ULUPUH, Zagreb
01.03. - 22.04.2024. "Apartman", Galerija ULUPUH, Zagreb
01.08. - 15.12.2023. "Living Water", Palača Moise, samostalna izložba
25.05. - 15.06.2022. "Geometrija prirode", Creski muzej, samostalna izložba
15.06. - 15.10. 2021. "Genius Loci", Creski muzej, samostalna izložba
2020. - 2021. sudjelovala je u 3. Bijenalu industrijske umjetnosti, RPK 2020, sa samostalnom izložbom “Dock Culture”, Moise palača, Cres/ 2020. izlagala je na Bijenalnoj izložbi “Art - eko/ Šuma”, Galerija ULUPUH, Zagreb/ 2017. samostalna izložba, HDD galerija Hrvatskog dizajnerskog društva, Zagreb/ 2016. samostalna izložba, HUIU galeriji Pula / 2016. sudjelovanje na izložbi Dani Arhitekture u Istri.


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